Expert Asbestos Removal Services in Ipswich

There are plenty of great reasons to love living here in Sunny Australia. We love our weather, we adore our culture and as far as our cuisine goes, we reckon it may just be the best in the world; in fact, we’re sure you are agreeing with us right now. Australia is home to great sportspeople, celebrities, experts and the list goes on and on. That’s right, there are plenty of reasons why so many people across the globe dream about moving to Australia, and here we all are ‘living that dream’, perhaps it’s time we all appreciated it a bit more!

That being said, living in Australia does have its challenges. In fact, if you are a property owner you may already be facing a rather common issue; you are worried that your building may be plagued with asbestos. In fact, it’s not just homeowners who have this concern, business property owners can share it too. All of us want to ensure that our families, as well as any staff we may have working for us in a business property, are safe and healthy. That means that addressing the asbestos issue has never been more important.

So what do you need to do? Here at Total Asbestos And Demolition, we are not just about providing a service, rather we are passionate about making sure we do our part in society to keep people safe and sound. Allow us to provide you with a few tips that should guide your choices and action plan when it comes to asbestos in the home or in the workplace.

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Asbestos In Domestic Properties

Was your home built prior to 1990? If it was it likely boasts features and styles that you love it for. That being said, it may also boast something that you sure aren’t going to appreciate in any way, shape or form; asbestos! In fact, it is likely that a property built before 1990 has an asbestos issue. This means that the health of you and your loved ones could most certainly be at risk. Let’s just make it clear here, we don’t mean to scare you, but remember, knowledge is power. If your property was built before 1990 you now have the knowledge to know there is a risk and the power to do something to eliminate it.

Of course, asbestos removal is not a household chore that ‘just anyone’ can deal with. This isn’t a job that you should put on your weekend list along with cleaning the windows, caring for the garden and dusting the fireplace. Asbestos disposal requires the knowledge, expertise, and experience of a professional within the field of asbestos elimination. Ultimately, you need a demolition company that eats, breathes and sleeps asbestos removal. After all, it’s the health and safety of your family that is in question here and none of us want to take chances on that.

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Asbestos Removal For Commercial properties

Remember, it’s not just domestic properties that are at risk here. A property is a property, regardless of how it happens to be used at the moment. So if your commercial property falls into the risk category, it’s time for action without delay. In fact, while the health and safety of the people who work it the building on a daily basis are of prime importance, another factor is also at play here.

You may have spent months, years or even decades building up an excellent reputation for your business. An endless amount of ‘blood, sweat and tears’ could be the foundation for what is now your very own thriving business. Neglecting an issue with asbestos in your building could lead to your company being liable for millions of dollars of compensation, as well as completely ruining that fine reputation you had worked so hard for. When we think about it in those terms, asbestos removal should be at the top of your to-do list, no matter how busy you happen to be.

Have we given you the wake-up call that you needed? Are you now keen to have an asbestos check carried out and eliminate any issue which currently exists? Here at Total Asbestos And Demolition, we are proud to have 16 years under our belt as leaders in the industry of asbestos removal. Our clients vary in size and nature but our service doesn’t; we provide a safe, affordable efficient way to ensure all of our clients’ properties undergo the correct asbestos testing. So if you are looking for asbestos removal Ipswich has you well and truly covered. Even if you aren’t sure whether you have an issue or not, remember, prevention is always better than a cure. Give us a call today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have done the right thing.

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For more information on our services at Total Asbestos & Demolition, please feel free to call us at (07) 3151 0312 and set up a detailed appointment as soon as possible. Our service representatives are also available to help answer all questions and/or concerns online if necessary.

Can you tell on your own if your environment contains asbestos?  The answer is “no.” Because asbestos is odourless and tasteless, you cannot know if it exists unless you have asbestos testing in the building.   This kind of testing should only be done by a trained professional company, such as Total Asbestos.  We have the knowledge and the tools to determine if your building contains asbestos quickly.  If your environment includes dangerous asbestos, we can get rid of it fast.

How much does asbestos removal cost?  When you speak to Total Asbestos, we will discuss your problem and come up with a plan and a payment solution.   You don’t have to have all the answers.  It’s our job to investigate your building and make the necessary conclusions thoroughly.

At Total Asbestos, our team members and staff are fully qualified and accredited to remove asbestos in your residential or commercial building. You know asbestos disposal is crucial to maintaining the health of a building’s occupants.  Don’t delay.  Call Total Asbestos & Demolition now at (07) 3151 0312.

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